Alcoholism or excessive addiction to alcoholic beverages is a serious disease that affects millions of people around the world. According to the CIA’s 2023 data, the United States is ranked as the 35th most drinking country. This means that 8.93 liters of pure alcohol are consumed for every person in the country per year. Behind these numbers are the fates of people who are unwilling and unable to deal with addiction. Continuing to live an inebriated life, they destroy relationships with family, friends and colleagues.
In this article, we will tell you about the signs by which you can determine that a person suffers from alcohol addiction, and what you need to do in this case. Looking ahead, we note that the way out of a difficult situation can only be alcohol treatment with the support of experienced professionals. The earlier to seek help, the less damage alcohol will do to the addicted person and the people around him.
Change in the character of the alcoholic
Any addiction destructively affects the personality. And craving for alcohol is no exception. How to realize that the usual use of alcohol has grown into something serious? This can be judged by changes in the character. And people who are closely acquainted with a person suffering from alcoholism, can consider them in time.
Dependence on psychoactive substances leads to the fact that a person constantly shifts the focus on himself. He is in a state where it seems to him that everyone around him should help, understand and listen to him. At the same time, he does not take into account the needs of other people. This is a sign of the development of the so-called alcoholic type of personality.
Regardless of the age of the addict, regular use of alcohol leads to a stop in his mental development. In some cases – to roll back years. Alcoholics behave infantile: irresponsible, resentful, show emotional dependence on other people.
Against this background, they can take ill-considered steps, which often have irreversible consequences. For example, one of the spouses ceases to pay sufficient attention to the family, shifts family responsibilities to their parents, takes offense at trifles, blames all the misfortunes of others.
Chronic alcohol consumption leads to the fact that a person begins to lie about anything. This is a forced measure, a kind of way of survival in a prolonged disease called alcoholism. Along with this comes secrecy, understatement or exaggeration of the significance of important events for the alcoholic – all this is a consequence of addiction. Deception entails a loss of trust and the destruction of relationships that were once considered strong.
Healthy people directly declare their needs to others, telling them what they like or dislike. And vice versa: one of the signs of the development of alcoholism can be the development of manipulative qualities of the addict. The alcoholic by all rights and wrongs achieves his own, plays on the emotions of people around him.
What previously did not irritate a person, with systematic alcohol use, can cause aggression and resentment – an inappropriate reaction. A person becomes irascible, can show unprecedented cruelty and violence to family and friends.
How to solve the problem
The most effective way to fight alcoholism is to turn to an alcohol addiction rehab. In this specialized institution, a person will receive full comprehensive assistance, which includes:
- detoxification to remove alcohol and its products from the body;
- medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms;
- 24-hour monitoring with assessment of vital signs;
- psychological and psychiatric care to reinforce positive behaviors;
- group therapies.
Residential treatment can achieve results in a short period of time and with minimal risk of relapse. It helps addicts at any stage of alcoholism. But if there is no money for a rehabilitation clinic, you can try to treat alcoholism on an outpatient basis, visiting narcologists and psychologists according to a predetermined schedule. How should the family and loved ones behave in this case?
The most important rule is not to put the needs of the addict in the first place. Infants should not be treated as children. You do not need to believe the alcoholic, you should constantly check the information received from him. The hardest thing is not to give in to manipulation, but even with this with proper motivation can be coped with. To help a person control his emotions, it is recommended to give him the opportunity of group therapy, participation in Alcoholics Anonymous groups.