Artificial intelligence is one of the most popular concepts in science fiction literature. However, recently, the phenomenon has gone out of the realm of fiction, and become a reality. Open AI and other machine learning tools have swept the world, leading to some interesting developments in various fields.
Finance, for example, has quite a lot to gain from machine learning software. However, in this article, we are focusing on entertainment, particularly gaming. We are interested in exploring what AI could do for gamers, and what the gaming industry stands to benefit from artificial intelligence.
Improved Game Curation
When visiting game stores, we are often bombarded with recommendations for different games, advertisements for new titles, and all sorts of sales. The problem is that, these games are randomly advertised based on their own popularity, or based on some deal that the online gaming store has come up with. Which means, player interest is not taken into account.
It isn’t just usual video games that have this problem. If you were to visit online casinos, you’d come across the same issue. Whether you are gambling at the most popular Australian crypto casinos, or just the usual gambling websites, you’ve undoubtedly come across recommendations for games that don’t interest you. But, what if we told you that AI could, potentially, fix this problem?
By analyzing a player’s activity, a machine learning software could create an assortment of games that would most closely fit the player’s style. For example, if a player enjoys action-oriented, hack-and-slash games, then that is the assortment of games the AI would recommend. For strategy fans, an AI might collect real-time strategy, or turn-based strategy titles, and a fighting game fan might see titles like Tekken, Blaz Blue, etc.
The improved game curation would end a lot of frustration among players, and certainly boost business for the gaming stores themselves. After all, if player get recommended games that they are more likely to enjoy, then certainly, they are more likely to buy them.
Customer Service
Human interaction is a crucial part of society and business. Whether we mean communication within the business or between the business and the customer, AI can play a significant role. For example, it has been shown that an AI-powered time clock might help with HR in a company. However, did you know that AI is also very useful when it comes to customer service?
Indeed, most businesses are already using artificial intelligence to improve their customer support capabilities. The machine learning software is usually given an avatar, in order to help establish a relationship between it and the customer. Then, based on previous knowledge, they answer any basic questions that a customer might have.
This sort of tech is commonly used by many online shopping businesses. For example, online casinos are quite fond of the technology. A lot of the best BTC casinos program AI to answer any sort of questions that a player might have, as long as it is within the AI’s abilities. For the more complicated questions, the player can step into contact with a human employee, and get the answers that they need.
Better NPCs
The goal of most modern games is to immerse the players in the world that has been built. This is particularly important in roleplaying games, where the developer’s goal is to make the player feel like they are there, within the game. A part of that means creating a world that is logically consistent and follows the established rules. Another huge part, however, are the people populating that world.
NPCs are all of the non-playable character that the players interact with during the course of the game. Though there certainly have been NPCs that leave a lasting impression on the players, in a lot of RPGs the NPCs are stilted, wooden, and quite frankly, forgettable. The reason is that they are given pre-written bits of dialogue, that they spew based on the situation.
But, what if this could change? A lot of developers have posited that machine learning software could greatly improve the NPC dialogue in most games. Basically, the idea is that the AI would analyze the player’s choice of dialogue, and formulate an entirely original response on the spot, in essence emulating real life conversation to the best of its ability. In doing so, the NPCs would be imbued with a lot more character and personality, making them a lot more interesting.
Player Friendly Games
Finally, we would like to bring up gaming difficulty. The difficulty of some of the recent popular games has spawned a lot of debate in gaming circles. Elden Ring, for example, is a notoriously difficult affair, which doesn’t even allow players to pause the game. Indeed, the bulk of the so-called “Soulsborne” genre is notorious for its high difficulty level.
Not all gamers agree on a game’s difficulty. Some enjoy the challenge, while others would prefer an easier experience. The solution is simple; play the games whose difficulty levels you enjoy. However, there are those gamers that really want to try games that are too easy, or too hard, for them. Well, it may shock you to learn that artificial intelligence can help with that.
Some developers have proposed integrating a machine learning software in a game’s difficulty setting. The idea is simple; get the AI to monitor the players for a while, and get a hang of their skill level. Once it has done that, the AI automatically sets the game to match a player’s skill, making it just hard enough to be a challenge, but not so hard that it becomes unplayable. That way, the game is friendly to both hardcore gamers, and casual fans who enjoy an easy experience. s
Some Last Thoughts
Video games are becoming more and more popular. The gaming industry is now bigger than ever, with a lot of games becoming mainstream. As the industry grows, there will be new innovations that lead to significant change. Artificial intelligence will almost certainly be at the forefront of that change, and in this article, we’ve looked at just a couple of ways that it could improve the industry.