A standard is a rule. It can also mean the norms applied within a scope of work. In the context of industry, standards are norms that are applied to related companies. Standards ensure that the industry runs as expected. It is a “guard” so that everything that happens within the scope of the industry does not deviate in an undesirable direction. With standards, evaluation of company performance can also be done well because standards are benchmarks, benchmarks to determine whether a company can be judged successful or not.
Standards can be divided into two major parts; internal and external. External standards, as the name suggests, are applied by external parties. It can be an association ruling over a niche industry or perhaps the government. Whereas internal standards are applied by the company itself to guarantee its goals are achieved successfully. It is very important for a company to set its own internal standards so that it has targets in its operations. Not having internal standards means that the company does not have clear production goals, thus ensuring that at the end of the working period, policymakers will find it difficult to assess whether they were successful or not. It’s that simple.
Standardization should essentially be applied across all industrial processes. Every aspect of the industry is interconnected and one aspect’s poor performance can result in a “domino effect.” In other words, the success of a company is essentially the success of a series of aspects of its industry. It can be likened to a person’s health is greatly affected by the health of his or her organs. When, say, in a production process, there is no standardization in the selection of materials, the resulting products can vary in terms of quality. How can you trust a car tire company that produces tires of different quality?
Compliance with standards is important
Compliance with industry standards is a must and how can standardization be done if there is no compliance? That’s why an industry standards compliance solution is a must-have for every company. The compliance solution in question is one that works with so many standards to comply with that ensuring compliance with each item manually is impossible.
Getting multi-user access to industry standards is a solution
Today Nimonik provides a subscription platform that gives its clients the opportunity to have access to all industry standards and their updates. Industry specific standards may be difficult to access for certain companies but with the help of Nimonik inc. it is not a problem anymore.
Nimonik provides a Document Center that can be accessed by subscription. It is supported by 30 standards development organizations. By subscribing to Nimonik’s Document Center, the client company will be able to provide access for its engineers to consult and obtain solutions related to specific industry standards. Nimonik provides what can be called a comprehensive approach that ensures compliance with industry standards does not “collide with the internal standards set by each client company.”
Nimonik is supported by AAMI, AHRI, ANSI, ASTM, and other standards development organizations with a total of 30 organizations. By subscribing to Nimonik, client companies will have access to no less than 200,000 standards. There are several subscription packages that can be selected according to budget and needs. What is interesting about the standard subscription plan by Nimonik is that it can be run from any computer. Downloading any important document can also be done easily. In the end, complying with industry standards is not difficult with the help of Nimonik.